January at C7 is a focused month of prayer and fasting.
We’re dedicating this time to making room for God, seeking His presence, and aligning with His will for our lives.
Looking for ways to help strengthen your prayer life?
Follow along our Weekly Devotional throughout January which contains short devotionals, key verses, songs for worship, Bible plans and more.
Plus, download your Pray First booklet today for helpful tools to equip you in prayer.
Join us for group prayer at any of the below sessions. If you'd like more info on any sessions, links to join online or are interested in leading a prayer group in January please email us.
Isaiah 56:7
Prayer is our communication with God. Like any relationship, our relationship with God grows as we purposefully spend time with Him, talking to Him, getting to know Him, and enjoying His company.
• Prayer strengthens our faith
• Prayer creates intimacy with God
• Prayer deepens our dependence on God
• Prayer brings about change
God desires to spend time with us.
There are an infinate number of things we can pray about but to help focus your time of prayer we have 7 key focuses we'll be praying through as a church each week. Pray through these in your own time of prayer or joining a prayer gathering (online or in-person).
Luke 11:1